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My sweet old compter

by - Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Duh..duh..i'm in warnet now. My sweet old computer got some trouble again. So i cant use my computer in some previous days and maybe until the next few days and still dont know until when. Abang still trying to fix the problem. So for my blog's reader, be patient ya. Soon after my computer turn on to be okay, i'll write again, i have some idea to write in my blog.

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  1. saya paling sebel tuh kalo si kompi 'sakit' apalagi pas lagi butuh2nya....huhuhu....

    mudah2an kompie nya segera sembuh yaaa...:))

  2. Iye ni mba. Maklum oldies computer, sering ngadat :-) Amin, makasih doanya, moga2 dianya cepet sembuh so i can work again. Thx ya mba
