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Decision has been made

by - Saturday, December 08, 2007

Finally after almost one week my head is full with confuseness to decide, i have made a decision. Abang has gave his objective prospective, without giving any pressures to me. He only gave his point of view in objective way and the rest is up to me. He gave me a stimulate to make my brain work harder to decide. and...ta..ra..ra...in a confidence feeling, i made up my mind, following my heart and my brain and considering what abang said.
I'm sorry Ibu, M'jod, ana, this is my decision, hope you get the best for all of u.
Abang, thanks for all. You keep accompany me with in any conditions even it hurt u, even it threating u. You, with ur clear vision, mission, life principles and firmness have broaden my mind.
You are my present. You are my future.
May Allah will always with us

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